
Friday, 25 May 2012

How I Celebrate The End Of This Week

Date Written: May 25th, 2012
Date Posted: May 25th, 2012
Currently Listening To: The FrayTurn Me On

So, I just went through one of the most stressful weeks of my life (not including exam time, of course. That’s a whole other category on its own), and this is because of my English seminar on the book Three Day Road.
Let’s just say that I will permanently refer to it as The Awesome Train Wreck.

So, how do I plan on celebrating my freedom?
I watched the premiere of the third season of Rookie Blue. I’m going to finish one of the books I borrowed from the library yesterday. (YES I WAS AT THE LIBRARY AND BORROWED A BOOK. HUZZAH.)  (However, there will be no afternoon nap that goes into tomorrow like I planned and told everyone. Oh well, at least I’m being productive.) The rest of my weekend, there will be more reading. There will be writing. There will be homework. Visiting my cousin for her birthday is very likely to be sneaking its way in there, as will Digimon.

Oh. And there’s this for you guys:


I couldn’t speak. The idea of it shocked me thoroughly. I looked at him, probably gaping like a fish, but I really couldn’t help it. I needed him to repeat what he just said. I had to know it was real, that it wasn’t some sick joke he was playing on me.
“I’m sorry. You do what?” I asked incredulously.

“We throw insults at each other,” Landen said, eyeing me skeptically. He obviously didn’t expect me to be reacting the way I was. After a moment, he added, “You know… when we’re all feeling stressed out and stuff.”
“And it helps?”

Landen looked thoughtful. “Well, it is entertaining. And it’s pretty much the only time Hayley’s ever mean. So, are you in?”
He looked at me as though it was no big deal, but I could see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. No, I did not think it made him look more adorable than he generally was, and immediately blocked out any thoughts that would evidence otherwise.

After all, it may not have been true, but I didn’t need the boy getting any ideas.
I thought about his offer for a moment and sighed. Oh, what the heck? I figured.

“I’m in,” I said resignedly. I was sure I wasn’t going to enjoy this. Landen processed my answer for a moment. Then a grin stretched entirely over his face as though he were the Cheshire cat, making my suspicions even more prominent.
I also thought I saw his eyes brighten up a bit, but I decided I’d only imagined that part.

“Come on,” he said, gently pulling on my hand and leading me to the living room. I forced myself to keep my thoughts at bay. They may not have been inappropriate, but I certainly didn't want him hearing them. Though I don’t think he would have noticed if he somehow did. He was now visibly excited, speaking a mile a minute as he explained what usually went on.

“You’ll just say a different insult to each of us,” Landen said, “And try to be creative, because we generally pick at the end. Don’t be scared about hurting our feelings – none of us really ever mean what we say. And then there’s… Mia? Are you okay?”

Oh, I was better than okay. The second Landen had uttered the words be creative, I’d stopped paying attention and all doubts I’d been having about this slipped away.

Creative, I could do. After all, how many of the others in the room knew how to insult in Shakespearean terms?


Voila. Now you’ll all know I’m not completely talentless. Or maybe I am and you all have proof. Either way, I finally got around to that writing excerpt.
Have a good weekend everyone!

-          May :)
P.S. I don’t know why part of it shows up a different colour. It’s just odd like that.

Friday, 18 May 2012

The Original Post For Today

Date Written: May 18th, 2012
Date Posted: May 18th, 2012
Currently Listening To: All Time Low The Party Scene

Um… a bunch of things have happened this week (the past two in particular), but none of which really relates to writing in particular, except for the fact that I wrote 1,180 words this week. So let’s cheer for that.

Have a good long weekend, everyone!

-          May :)

Guess Who's With Family!

Date Written: May 18th, 2012
Date Posted: May 18th, 2012
Currently Listening To: Nothing. That is about to be explained.
Okay, so this will be edited tomorrow because I don't like this font.
I'm currently at my cousin's house (not using Alchemy, which really sucks because I don't really like this laptop... it's confusing and already deleted my post once while I was in the middle of typing) and everyone asks me what I'm doing and/or stares whilst I type (when they're not laughing at the pranks they're playing on each other). It's beyond awkward... and really loud, actually.
I started a post at home but didn't finish it in time, and because of that you guys aren't getting your excerpt today.
So the main gist of the post was supposed to be that I wrote 1,180 words this week and was going to write more, except I'm here. And, once again, I was supposed to give you your excerpt. I'm really sorry.
Anyways, any plans for the long weekend? I've got a wedding to attend.
See you all next Friday!
         - May :)

Friday, 11 May 2012

I Was Sort Of Productive? (Not Really)

Date Written: May 11th, 2012
Date Posted: May 11th, 2012
Currently Listening To: Ellie GouldingLights, Ellie GouldingStarry Eyed, You Me At SixStarry Eyed (Ellie Goulding cover)

I’d been meaning to post earlier in the day, except I had a PD day today. My reasoning was that I would get something done, then blog about it and look accomplished.
Aaaaaaaaaaand… nothing.

(Unless you count finishing chapter six of Peter and Wendy… which, by the way, has one of the best death scenes EVER. In chapter five, I think it was.)
(Also, I kept forgetting it was Friday.)

Anyway, I had a new story idea that I want to test out a bit before I totally toss it on the back-back-burner. Where, you know, it totally is going to be in like, a week.
I like this new one though. The concept isn’t exactly original, but I haven’t heard of anyone trying it out the way I’m doing it… which is why I won’t say what it is. Just know that it has to do with Peter Pan (which is why reading Peter and Wendy can be classified as being productive).

And in response to what I wrote in my post from Tuesday – okay, I was kind of curled up in a fetal position on my bed on Wednesday, so I think I’ll let that one slide. And I wrote something yesterday (1,165 words!) but it wasn’t a story – it was me venting about something in story format.
And be excited for next week. It is ninety-five-percent positive you’ll finally be getting a writing excerpt. I finally found one I like enough to post (and doesn’t really give away too much – or any, in this case – plot of the book), but it’s full of fragmented sentences. So I’m going to clean that up a bit and post it next Friday.

That’s all (that’s somewhat relevant) for this week. See you next Friday!

-          May :)

If Life Won't Wait, I Guess It's Up To Me

Date Written: May 8th, 2012
Date Posted: May 11th, 2012
Currently Listening To: Simple PlanWhen I’m Gone

There’s been something that’s been bugging me as of late.
I’ve been finding it really, really hard to write recently.

For one, school’s actually starting to stress me out a little. It’s May, and exams are starting to creep up, little by very little. But it’s still there, and I’ve got a play to practice for. I’ve got an essay that’s worth fifteen percent of my grade to write. Mock trials are going to be coming up in a few weeks, and if my friends from last semester are any indication, that’s going to be stressful stuff.
And it’s not just that; I don’t feel like writing anything.

It’s not that I’ve lost my passion for telling stories – it’s just that I can’t seem to put those words out on paper. And when I do, I think it’s absolutely terrible.
So when I got home from Writer’s Club today (another thing; we haven’t been very productive as of late, so that hasn’t been very helpful) and I suddenly had the urge to listen to the song When I’m Gone by Simple Plan. And while listening to it, there’s one bit that really stuck out to me that I never seemed to comprehend until now;

“Procrastination, running circles in my head/While you sit there contemplating/You wound up left for dead/Life is what happens/While you’re busy making your excuses/Another day, another casualty/And that won’t happen to me.”
As you can see, I’m procrastinating. I’ve made excuses for why I’m not writing. And I’ve just been sitting around, trying to figure out how to do this and that and whatnot, while other people are actually going out and trying to make their dreams come true.

I want to be one of those people making something of themselves. And therefore, I need to suck it up.
So what?

So what if I don’t like what I write? There’s editing for that.
So what if I don’t know everything I’m doing in my story? There’s editing for that, too.

So what if I have school work? I’ll actually do my homework at home, instead of doing most or some or a little at home and then saving the rest for lunch the next day. I bring Alchemy to school almost every day anyway. I might as well put her to use.
So what if I feel kind of stressed? I’m going to learn time management.

No more making excuses. I want to write, so I will write.
So time management for today:

1) Finish off my book for English class.
2) Try to get through that book from the girl at my school who is published.
3) Try to write something. Also, if possible, plan what I want to get accomplished on Friday (which is a day off school).
No more making excuses. I’ve got a book to finish by the 26th of June.

-          May :)

Friday, 4 May 2012

Because Today Was A Good Day!

Date Written: May 4th, 2012
Date Posted: May 4th, 2012
Currently Listening To: Simple PlanThis Song Saved My Life

I’m happy.
I felt this should be known because I had a really average Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then had a bad Thursday. But I woke up this morning and I was like, “Wow. Today is going to be a really good day.”

And it was.
It started with a good hair day and so far is at me reconnecting with my childhood and watching Digimon. Somewhere in there, there was: finally finishing Psych (OHMYGOSH HENRY), my Law class not acting like savages (which is how certain people having been since our teacher went on pregnancy leave), having a really good feeling about my English summative (something to do with finishing it, thinking it was alright, re-writing it, thinking it was good, handing it in, and still having ten minutes left over in class), and deciding to sing for a Drama class production (in which I will be singing This Song Saved My Life).

It didn’t happen necessarily in that order, but still. And I’m going to enjoy the rest of today, because for the weekend, I’ve got 28 questions to finish for Law, a whole book to read for English class, write an entire thesis proposal, and catch Once Upon A Time on Sunday (in which Sebastian Stan is returning. OHMYGOSH JEFFERSON).
*Fans self.*
How was everyone else’s week?
-          May :)