
Friday, 9 March 2012

Freedom For A Week!

Written: March 9th, 2012
Posted: March 9th, 2012
Currently Listening To: These Kids Wear CrownsOceans

So I survived today.
(This means I survived two tests and a summative assignment today.)

Also, yesterday was the day I had my parent-teacher interviews in which I learned my English teacher does not hate me and in fact, is genuinely very excited to see how I do in the course because I came out with a 77 (a B+) on the first piece of writing the class submitted. Since it was a comparative paragraph, which is something we were just learning, my teacher said it was really great to see that I had seemingly grasped the structure and the concept so easily and that all I needed to work on were strengthening my actual arguments in the paragraph.

So in summary; my English teacher seems as excited to have me in her class as I am to be in her class.
(Apparently she’s one of the harder marking teachers in the school, which already has a more difficult English program than other schools in the area. It gives me a challenge – can I get an 80 in her class like I’ve gotten in English the last two years?)

It could also very drastically help or hurt my grades that, in the two seconds I wasn’t there for the interview, my mom told her I wanted to do an English major in university. Mommy told me that she seemed happy about that because not many people in our school want to do an English major, apparently. Therefore, she could either mark me easier or harder than the rest of the class because of that. (To be honest, I see it being the latter if she does decide to mark subjectively like that.) With that mentality, I came home last night and flipped through Shakespeare’s Othello like a madwoman trying to find comparisons of how
[SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t read Othello and plan on reading it and don’t know anything about it]

Iago manipulates Roderigo and Cassio.
[END SPOILER ALERT so it’s safe to read the rest]

I also got like… two pages of notes and scribbles and topic sentence ideas and comparisons and other highlighted nonsense that was somehow relevant for the summative (none of which I could actually use during the time, sadly), so I think I did well.
Also, for parent-teacher interviews, my parents met my Law teacher who showered me in praise (so my parents now realize I do actually do my homework and don’t spend the entirety of my time in my room writing and/or the other random nonsense they think I do. Mommy, I know you tell me that you’re glad that I’m always so responsible when it comes to my schoolwork, but I’m sure you wondered. THERE IS NOW PROOF) and then today, after our unit test, gave me and my friend chocolate cheesecake. She is now my favourite teacher this semester.

Sorry to my other teachers, but she gave me food for the mere reason that my friend and I were bored and went back to talk to her instead of stand around in our school foyer.
(Key part of that sentence: she gave me food.)

Anyways – because this is a writing blog and I should say something related to writing:
MARCH BREAK IS HERE. That means a ton of writing, re-writing, and revising one of the books I’m working on.

Y A Y ! :D
Also, for Writer’s Club, the assignment I mentioned in my last post is to just choose a song and write a story on our interpretation of it. It’s totally non-mandatory and (I personally think) it’s easy. I just wanted to get a feel of how it’d be like to give an assignment for the club, since Sonia and I’ve never really done that kind of thing and probably never will again.

Anyways, I’ve narrowed down the songs I want to use for my assignment to:
These Kids Wear Crowns – Oceans
TrainDrops of Jupiter

Which one do you guys think I should do?
(Please note: I am very open to other ideas and am totally going to change that list a million times before I actually write the thing, so please feel free to give me any songs that you think would be good for the assignment.)

So yeah – that’s all to report this week. See you next Friday!
-          May :)


  1. NO WAYYYYYY! I was totally thinking Drops of Jupiter for the song writing assignment :D I might just do a ballad though -- it would be so easy and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to these things LOL. It would be pretty awesome if we both did the same song though and could compare how our ideas differ! *HIGH-FIVE*

    AWWWWWW YAYAYYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! I'm glad Ms. Cook doesn't hate you :D Obviously you'll be the best student she's ever had. I can't wait to see how well you do! Ms. Legare is THE BEST, YO. I kind of miss her actually :( I should go back and visit... when is she leaving? Hopefully she hasn't already left!

    How did your summative actually go?! I think mine went pretty well but I'm still kind of anxious to get the mark back.

    Anyways, see you next Friday! :)


    1. OMG WE TOTALLY SHOULD. I was also debating Brightly Wound by Eisley and Remembering Sunday by All Time Low (because my interpretation of that song WAS different from the original). But yeah - Drops of Jupiter was definitely one of my top choices. :)

      I'm glad too! I'm actually excited. I remember how a bunch of her last semester students didn't like her, and while I can see why, I think she's actually not as bad as they all described her. And yes - Ms. Legare is THE BEST, YO. You totally should, I'm sure she'd love that. YOU CAN ALSO MEET THAT T.A. WHO WRITES TOO! And she's leaving in May.

      I think my summative also went pretty well. I know a bunch of people were comparing Othello and Roderigo, which is why I chose Roderigo and Cassio (and because Cassio was my favourite character throughout the play). She actually seemed really surprised because you know how we were allowed to have a page with our quotes AND our copies of the play? I only had my copy of the play when everyone else had both out, so I had to explain to her that I'd already marked the pages and that I was already confident with my answers and stuff. But yeah, I'm excited to get my mark back, too! And I'm glad to hear yours went well - I'm sure you did awesome!

      I shall see you then. I'm sure I'll have a bunch of actually-related-to-writing posts, seeing as I already have two planned out.

      - May :)
